Strategic Plan

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Mission Springs Water District's 2024 Strategic Plan outlines a focused roadmap for efficient water management and community service. Building on a 70-year legacy, the plan aligns with MSWD's mission to provide, protect, and preserve water resources.

Key Elements:

·Historical Evolution: From a one-square-mile entity in 1953 to 135 square miles today, MSWD has expanded infrastructure and services to over 44,000 residents.

·Mission and Vision: MSWD's mission is clear - to provide, protect, and preserve water. The vision emphasizes trust-building, employee empowerment, customer-focused service, environmental stewardship, and public health.

·Values: Accountability, leadership, professionalism, and service form the foundation of MSWD, guiding decisions and fostering a culture of excellence.

·Strategic Focus: The 2024 plan is a dynamic, action-oriented document, prioritizing efficient leadership, management, and operational excellence. It serves as the pinnacle planning guide for the organization.

·Commitment to Excellence: The Board of Directors and staff are committed to exceeding customer expectations, ensuring MSWD remains dedicated to excellence and envisions a sustainable future for water resources.

The MSWD Strategic Plan is a forward-looking blueprint that underscores the district's commitment to responsible water management and community service, guided by a clear mission, vision, and set of values.