Capital Improvement Projects

MSWD Bill Board - Building For The Future - Coming Soon Regional Wastewater Plant

MSWD's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) plans for and builds major capital facilities in our service area to continue to serve our customers' water and sewer needs now and into the future. Following are several projects currently under development. 


Capital Improvement Projects
Project Name Project Status More Information
Regional Water Reclamation Facility  Construction Web Link
Regional Conveyance Line Construction Factsheet .pdf
Well 22 Rehabilitation Construction Factsheet .pdf
Well 24 Rehabilitation  Construction Factsheet .pdf
Well 34 Rehabilitation Construction  
Well 35 Rehabilitation Construction  
Well 34/35 Intertie Project Construction  
Well 42 Construction Project  Construction  Factsheet .pdf
Water/Wastewater Master Plan Update Plan Preparation Factsheet .pdf
Regional Collection System for Sub Area M2-1  Design Factsheet .pdf
New Administration Building  Design Factsheet .pdf
Vista Reservoir No. 2 Rehabilitation Design Factsheet.pdf
Backup Generators for Well Sites On Hold Factsheet .pdf
Alan L. Horton Wastewater Treatment Plant Tertiary Effluent Filters  On Hold Factsheet .pdf
Terrace Reservoirs 1, 2, and 3 Rehabilitation On Hold  
AMI Meter Project Complete  Web Link 
1 MW Solar Plant: Flipping the Switch on Efficiency   Complete  Web Link
Supplemental Environmental Project: Sewer Connection Complete Web Link
North Building Facility Improvements Complete Factsheet .pdf