
Below are MSWD's current rate structures, effective January 2, 2020. The rate structure for water service has four customer classes:

  1. Single-family residential
  2. Multi-family residential (includes apartments and mobile home parks with a master meter)
  3. Non-residential (Includes all business classes, governmental and institutional)
  4. Irrigation

The rate structure is comprised of two components:

  • A fixed monthly service charge (the “Meter Charge”).
  • The variable water consumption charge (the “Water Flow Charge”).

Fixed Monthly Charges

The following fixed monthly charges are determined by the size of the water connection serving the property, or, for multi-family accounts, the number of units, and are calculated to recover a portion of the District’s fixed costs. Fixed costs occur whether water is consumed or not, therefore the fixed fee will continue to be charged to an account whether or not the water service is active.

Fixed Monthly Charge Based on Connection Size
Meter Size .75-inch 1-inch 1.5-inch 2-inch 3-inch 4-inch 6-inch
  $13.63 $22.70 $45.39 $72.61 $136.10 $226.79 $453.56
  • Multi-Family Monthly Fixed Charge per Multi-Family Residential Unit: $8.69

Flow Charge per CCF

Water Flow Charges for Single-Family Residential Customers: Single-Family Residential Water Flow Charges reflect a change from a three-tiered rate structure to a two-tiered rate structure that imposes a higher rate as the level of water use increases based on a monthly usage per one hundred cubic feet (CCF or 748 gallons = one billing unit). Previously, Tier One included 4 billing units, Tier Two included 11 billing units and Tier Three included all billing units above 15. As of March 1, 2016, there are two tiers: Tier One includes 13 billing units and Tier Two includes all billing units above 13. The previous and new tier rates for single-family residential properties are identified in the table below.

Water Flow Charges for Multi-Family Residential Customers: Multi-Family Residential Water Flow Charges reflect a change from a three-tiered rate structure to a two-tiered rate structure that imposes higher rates as the level of water use increases based on a monthly usage per one hundred cubic feet (CCF or 748 gallons = one billing unit). Multi-family property tiers are calculated on the number of dwelling units served by a master meter. As an example, a complex with a master meter and ten units will run through the first multi-family tier ten times (83 CCF). Previously, Tier One included 4 billing units, Tier Two included 11 billing units and Tier Three included all billing units above 15. As of March 1, 2016, there are two tiers: Tier One includes 8.3 billing units per residential unit, and Tier Two includes all billing units above 8.3 billing units.

Water Flow Charges for Non-Residential Customers: Non-Residential Water Flow Charges reflect a single rate structure with usage based on a monthly usage per one hundred cubic feet (CCF or 748 gallons = one billing unit).

Water Flow Charges for Irrigation Customers: Irrigation Water Flow Charges reflect a single rate structure based on a monthly usage per one hundred cubic feet (CCF) for customers who utilize potable water for irrigation purposes on a separate irrigation meter. (CCF or 748 gallons = one billing unit).

All water that passes through a meter is billed at the rates set forth, by user class, in the tables below:

Flow Charge per CCF
Type Rate
Single-Family Residential  
Tier 1 $2.29
Tier 2 $3.11
Multi-Family Residential  
Tier 1 $2.12
Tier 2 $2.87
Non-Residential $2.72
Irrigation $4.08
Single-Family Residential
  Previous CCF Amended CCF
Tier 1 0-4 0-13
Tier 2 4-15 13+
Tier 3 15+  - 
Multi-Family Residential
  Previous CCF Amended CCF
Tier 1 0-4 0-8.3
Tier 2 4-15 8.3+
Tier 3 15+  - 


Additional Charges on Your Water Bill

There are a number of special fees and charges on your water bill that originate from the outside agency “pass-through” charges.

Desert Water Agency Fee: This “fee” is actually an assessment for water pumped by Mission Springs Water District to serve customers in its service area. Desert Water Agency (DWA), one of 29 state water contractors in California, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with MSWD to replenish the aquifer to ensure the long-term sustainability of the water supply in our region. Since 2004, this assessment has been levied upon the customers of MSWD for every acre-foot of water pumped. The current assessment is $215 per acre-foot plus an additional 4.13% to account for water loss for a total of $223.89. There are 325,851 gallons in an acre-foot. $223.89 divided by 325,851 is about 0.0007 cents per gallon. 0.0007 cents multiplied by one customer billing unit (HCF or 748 gallons) equals about $0.52 cents per HCF on your water bill. ($223.89/325,851) X 748 = $0.52

DHS City Utility Users Tax: If your property is within the city limits, the Utility Users Tax (UUT) applies to your water and sewer bills. The UUT was adopted by a public initiative in 2009. It requires that all utilities charge a pass-through tax of 7% or $0.07 cents for every dollar billed. Your total water bill, excluding the DWA fee is, therefore, multiplied by 0.07 to arrive at this tax. If you have a $30.00 water bill, your additional tax will be (30) X (.07) = $2.10.

Sewer Rates

As of your first full billing after July 1, 2016, residential sewer fees were no longer being included on the water bill. Sewer fees for all residential properties are now included on the tax bill.

A description of the sewer service rates and charges is explained below:

Sewer Rates for Single-Family Residential Customers: Single-Family Residential Sewer Rates reflect a fixed monthly charge calculated to recover the cost of providing sewer service and the ongoing maintenance of a fixed amount of capacity set aside to serve a property based upon meter size.

Sewer Rates for Multi-Family Residential Customers: Multi-Family Residential Sewer Rates reflect a fixed per-unit monthly charge calculated to recover the cost of providing sewer service and the ongoing maintenance of a fixed amount of capacity set aside to serve a property based on meter size.

Sewer Rates for Non-Residential Customers: Non-residential sewer rates reflect a rate structure based on the type of waste discharge from a given non-residential property. Waste type is determined by customer class and billing based on monthly water usage per one hundred cubic feet (CCF or 748 gallons = one billing unit).

All sewer service used by customers will be billed at the rates set forth in the table below:

Sewer Rates
Customer Class Single-Family Residential Multi-Family Residential Non-Residential
  $50.16 $31.96 $3.36 - $9.38

For individual non-residential rate information, call 760.329.6448 EXT.127

Special Fees and Charges

Following is a listing of customer-driven fees and charges for special services. These fees only apply to the activities identified. The fees are current as of November 1, 2017.

Water Service / Temporary Service Deposit: $82

Backflow Device Service Charge (Monthly) by Size

  • 3/4":    $6.67
  • 1":       $7.50
  • 1 1/2": $8.33
  • 2":       $8.33
  • 3":       $12.50
  • 4":       $12.50
  • 6":       $15.00
  • 8":       $15.00

Disconnection / Restoration of Service

  • During Regular Hours
    • Up to 1"
      • Disconnect: $50.00
      • Reconnect: $50.00
    • 1 1/2" to 2"
      • Disconnect: $78.00
      • Reconnect: $78.00
    • Over 2"
      • Disconnect: $140.00
      • Reconnect: $140.00
  • After Hours
    • Any Size
      • Reconnect: $140.00


Certified Meter Test (All Sizes): $112.00

Fire Flow Test (Per Hydrant): $191.00

Returned Check Service Charge (Per Check): $50.00

Lien Release Fees

  • Released by MSWD: $49.00
  • Released by Escrow / Customer: $36.00